5 Things to Know before Getting Breast Implants

Taking some time to mentally and physically prepare for your upcoming breast augmentation can help to optimize every step of the way, from the planning phase to your recovery and results. Take a look at 5 important considerations to keep in mind before getting breast implants so you’ll know exactly what to expect.
1. Implant Volume Isn’t Measured in Cup Size
Breast implant sizes are measured in cubic centimeters (cc) of volume, rather than bra cup sizes. This is because cup sizes are not standard and can vary among brands.
2. Initial Breast Augmentation Results Might Look Wonky
Do your implants look squared, high on your chest or asymmetrical just a couple days or weeks after your breast augmentation? Don’t worry, those effects can be normal and should gradually improve in the coming weeks.
3. Nipple Sensation Might Be Affected
Changes to nipple sensation after getting breast implants are usually only temporary as nerves adjust to your new implants. However, let your plastic surgeon know if you plan to breastfeed after getting implants, as some breast augmentation techniques can increase the likelihood of trouble with breastfeeding down the road.
4. The Post-Surgery Blues Can Be Normal
It can be normal to feel a little down directly after any major surgery. Give your body and mind time to adjust and recover after your breast augmentation, setting realistic expectations for recovery milestones as you heal.
5. You Might Need a Revision Procedure Later
While some people may never need to have implants replaced, many will at some point in their lives. Breast implants typically last for 10 to 15 years, though you might find that your personal preferences change over time and may want a revision prior to this.
Still have questions about breast augmentation preparation? Give us a call today at 619-461-1500 or contact us online to schedule a consultation with Dr. Brown.