What Plastic Surgeons Look at to Create Natural Breast Curves

One of the most common concerns for many women planning a breast augmentation is whether their breast implants will look and feel natural. Fortunately, in the hands of an experienced plastic surgeon, achieving natural-looking breast implants is well within reach.
Take a look at a few of the factors that plastic surgeons consider when helping you plan your natural-looking breast augmentation.
Height & Build
Your natural body proportions will play an integral role in creating a breast augmentation plan to achieve the natural look and feel you want. Natural-looking breast implants will remain in proportion with your natural curves, while still giving you a boost of volume.
Skin Quality
Thinner skin in the breast area can make it easier to see and feel underlying breast implants than with thicker skin. However, your plastic surgeon can remedy this by placing your breast implants under your chest muscles to provide extra coverage.
Additionally, silicone implants tend to yield better results with thinner skin than saline implants, as saline implants have a tendency to ripple and may therefore be more visible.
Natural Breast Tissue
The amount of natural breast tissue you have will help to determine the best size, shape, profile and placement of implants for your natural-looking breast augmentation.
Your Goals and Preferences
Your plastic surgeon will also take into account your personal goals and preferences when creating your breast augmentation surgical plan. Your breast enhancement consultation is an excellent time to discuss your specific goals and needs so your plastic surgeon can better understand exactly what you are hoping to get out of your procedure.
Ready to take the next step toward getting the natural-looking breast implants you’re hoping for? Give us a call at 619-461-1500 or contact us online to schedule your consultation today.