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Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck


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Crunches, sit-ups, and planks – there are an endless number of exercises claiming to flatten the stomach. But the reality is, there is no workout to tighten loose skin. For these cases, we need a little extra help.

Sometimes the skin stretches so much that it can no longer “bounce back” to a contoured shape. A tummy tuck can help get rid of excess skin in the abdomen that no amount of exercise can fix. By removing the excess skin and tightening the abdominal wall, Dr. Brown gives patients a flatter, toned, beautiful stomach. Feel free to contact one of our offices in La Jolla or Carmel Valley to see if you are a qualified candidate.


Tummy tucks are designed specifically to address abdomen contour concerns. Removal of excess skin with an incision by the pubic line and tightening of the abdominal muscles creates a firmer, more youthful and attractive abdomen. And for those who also have stubborn fat deposits around their midsection, Dr. Brown can perform liposuction to create a slimmed hourglass figure. *

Dr. Brown is specially trained in abdominoplasty and has years of experience performing the latest tummy tuck techniques on patients from all over southern California. Conveniently located in La Jolla and Carmel Valley, it’s easy to request a consultation today!



  • Procedure Length: 2.5 to 4 hours
  • Return to work: 7 to 10 days
  • Return to Exercise: 14 days (light cardio), 3 – 4 weeks (more strenuous)
  • Ideal Candidate: excess abdominal skin, maintains stable weight


Healthy men and women who have loose skin on their stomach and poor abdominal contour may be good candidates for abdominoplasty. It is a particularly good procedure for women who have given birth or those who have lost a significant amount of weight.

Furthermore, patients should be:

  • Within close range of their weight loss goal
  • At a stable weight
  • Nonsmokers
  • Realistic about the outcome of the procedure

The only way to ultimately determine whether or not a patient would benefit from a tummy tuck procedure is by consulting with a board certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Brown.


There are three different tummy tuck techniques Dr. Brown can use to help each patient achieve their individual goals. Dr. Brown will help the patient choose the best one for them at the time of the consultation.


Mini abdominoplasty removes a moderate amount of skin from the lower abdomen without repositioning belly button. It is specifically designed to help correct the appearance of bulging in the lower part of the abdomen, beneath the belly button. Liposuction is commonly performed as well. Many patients come into the office interested in mini abdominoplasty because it leaves the least amount of scarring. However, this is not the right technique for everybody.

Mini abdominoplasty is not a good technique for patients with significant amounts of excess skin on their entire abdomen. This will be better treated by full abdominoplasty. Furthermore, with this procedure, the doctor will not be able to address or tighten the muscles above the belly button. It is a limited procedure designed for a very specific set of circumstances.



Tummy Tuck, Daniel Brown M.D

Full abdominoplasty removes lax skin, and fat if necessary, from above and below belly button and repositions the belly button to a more proportionate spot. This procedure is best at treating patients who have a significant amount of skin laxity on their stomach.

Using an incision that runs low from hipbone to hipbone, the doctor can tighten the muscle wall with sutures. This procedure may also be beneficial for patients with stretch marks below the belly button, although stretch mark removal is not guaranteed. A full tummy tuck is the most common type of abdominoplasty.


Extended abdominoplasty uses the longest incision of the three techniques, but it will also offer the most comprehensive results. This procedure not only removes skin and repositions the belly button, but it also removes skin from the flanks, or love handles. Using a semi-circumferential incision, Dr. Brown has attained excellent results in performing extended abdominoplasty. This technique is reserved for those who have lost a large amount of weight and need the excess skin removed to show their slim, toned results.


A tummy tuck procedure is most frequently performed under general anesthesia as an outpatient procedure, meaning that the patient can return home following surgery. However, the patient will not be able to drive themselves home from the surgery and should make arrangements for an adult to pick them up.

Tummy Tuck, Daniel Brown M.D

Dr. Brown begins most of his abdominoplasties by performing liposuction in order to remove stubborn fat deposits from the abdomen, if necessary. Then, he will make an incision across the lower abdomen, where it will be easily hidden by a swimsuit or underwear. The incision will be predetermined by the technique that the doctor and patient decide is best.

Next, the doctor will lift the skin off the abdominal wall in order to access the underlying muscle structure. He will repair the weakened muscle wall by repositioning the muscles and then fixing them in position with internal sutures. If performing a full or extended abdominoplasty, he will reposition the belly button. Finally, he will redrape the skin so that it is flat and smooth over the abdomen, excising any excess skin. He will then close the incision with sutures. Following the procedure, the patient will be taken to a recovery room where they will be monitored until Dr. Brown says they can be released.



A tummy tuck is frequently combined with liposuction of the flanks to give patients a more sleek and contoured appearance. However, some patients choose to have liposuction performed in more places than just their flanks during their procedure. Some common areas where liposuction is performed include the upper arms, inner and outer thighs, and knees.


A Mommy Makeover usually combines breast enhancement – breast lift, breast augmentation, or breast reduction – with tummy tuck and liposuction. It is called a Mommy Makeover because it is designed to help mother’s regain their pre-baby body. The breasts and the abdomen are the two most difficult areas to tone following pregnancy. Overly stretched skin, for example, cannot be corrected with diet and exercise alone.


Following the surgery, patients should expect some bruising and swelling. They may not be able to stand up straight for the first day or two following surgery. This is completely normal. Any discomfort experienced can be managed with a prescription painkiller from Dr. Brown or an over-the-counter medication like Tylenol. However, patients should avoid NSAIDs, including aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen. These medications can worsen symptoms.

Dr. Brown and his staff will advise the patient on their post-surgical instructions by providing them with detailed information regarding when they can resume work, exercise and other activities, demonstrating use of post-surgical compression garments and drains, and also post-operative massage and scar care. In addition, Dr. Brown or his staff will gladly assist the patient and answer any questions that they may have at any time, and are available to take any calls with further questions during recovery.


Tummy Tuck, Daniel Brown M.D

Patients will notice an immediate change in their appearance following surgery. However, as bruising and swelling diminish over the course of 2-3 weeks, optimal results will begin to appear. Some scarring with this type of procedure is inevitable. However, Dr. Brown does his best to hide the incision in a spot where it is discreet and easily covered. With proper care, the scar will continue to fade with time.

In order to maintain results, patients should maintain a stable weight through routine exercise and dieting. Patients should be aware that future pregnancies will also negatively impact their results.


Upon arriving at Dr. Brown’s office, the receptionist will first ask the patient to fill out some paperwork. This will include asking about the patient’s medical history. Please make note of any medications or supplements the patient takes, prior surgeries, and illnesses. This is important information for the doctor to have when creating a treatment plan for the patient’s unique case. Please also let the doctor know about any tobacco, alcohol, or drug use, as this will be very important for the patient’s safety and recovery.

Dr. Brown meets personally with all tummy tuck patients for a consultation. The consultation is a time for the doctor to inform the patient more about the procedure, but also for the patient to inform the doctor of what they hope to achieve. Dr. Brown and the patient will discuss topics like:

  • Anesthesia
  • Procedure
  • Location
  • Expectations and outcome
  • Complementary procedures

During the consultation, Dr. Brown will also perform a physical examination in order to determine which tummy tuck technique the patient would benefit from most. He may also take photographs for further analysis.

Once Dr. Brown has had the opportunity to examine the particular aspects of the patient’s case, he will be able to provide the patient with a cost estimate. Dr. Brown can itemize the cost, so that the patient understands exactly what he or she is paying for and why. For patients interested in financing, we offer CareCredit.


How much does a tummy tuck cost?

Tummy tuck costs are based on many variables. Anesthesia and surgeon’s fees, operating room facility fees, type of tummy tuck (mini, standard, extended), areas of liposuction contouring, and other costs may be included in your estimate. During your consultation, you will be able to get a more accurate tummy tuck price estimation for your specific situation.

What is included in a tummy tuck?

Most full abdominoplasties include both excess skin removal and excess fat removal via liposuction contouring of the abdomen and flanks and relocation/recreation of the belly button. In some cases, but not all, tummy tucks can also include abdominal muscle repair.

How do I choose the best tummy tuck plastic surgeon near me?

Find the best plastic surgeon near you for your tummy tuck with a mix of word-of-mouth referrals from friends and family in your location and online research. Review medical credentials, online reviews and before and after tummy tuck photos online to narrow your search. Finally, schedule a consultation of two with your top picks to help you decide which plastic surgeon is the best fit for you.

What is the best age for a tummy tuck?

There is no single best age to get a tummy tuck, though the average person who gets this procedure is between 30 and 50 years old. Many women choose to wait until after they’ve finished having children to get a tummy tuck to avoid needing a revision procedure in the near future. The right age to get a tummy tuck will largely depend on your unique circumstances and what feels right for you.

What are the weight requirements for a tummy tuck?

It is generally recommended that you try to get within 10 to 15 pounds of your ideal weight before getting a tummy tuck. This will not only help you see the best and most long-lasting results, but it can also reduce the risk of complications during and after your procedure.

How much weight can you lose with a tummy tuck?

Although tummy tucks are not designed to lose significant weight, many people drop anywhere from 5 to 10 pounds after this procedure, with the removal of excess skin and stubborn abdominal and flank/”muffin-top” area fat.

How uncomfortable is a tummy tuck?

While you won’t feel any pain or discomfort during your tummy tuck procedure, you can expect to experience at least moderate discomfort, tenderness and swelling for 7 to 10 days afterwards. Most people report these symptoms being easily managed with our carefully curated over-the-counter and prescription medications. After the first week of tummy tuck recovery, these symptoms should begin to significantly diminish.

When will I see my tummy tuck results?

Tummy tuck results will develop gradually over time. Around 2 to 3 months after your tummy tuck, you should have a good idea of what your final results will look like, though it can take 6 months to a full year or more to see your final result.

How long do tummy tuck results last?

Tummy tuck results can be very long-lasting and may never need to be revised. You can help to enhance and prolong your abdominoplasty results by maintaining healthy eating habits, getting adequate exercise and managing stress.

Is a tummy tuck worth it?

An estimated 95% of people who get a tummy tuck say the procedure was worth it, based on a recent poll of over 5,000 people . Good candidates for a tummy tuck with realistic expectations for their results are generally very pleased with their results and are happy to have had a tummy tuck.

Contact Dr. Brown today in order to schedule a consultation and get started!

Tummy Tuck Abdominoplasty
Service Type
Tummy Tuck Abdominoplasty
Provider Name
Dr. Daniel Brown, MD,
4765 Carmel Mountain Rd, #103,San Diego,California-92130,
Telephone No.619-461-1500
San Diego, CA
Get a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) from San Diego body contouring specialist and board-certified plastic surgeon Daniel Brown, MD with offices in La Jolla and Carmel Valley.

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